How to use QR Codes to play Video Chat Game Shows!

  • A laptop or desktop computer with webcam is recommended to view and interact with our show BUT you’ll actually be using a phone or tablet (secondary device) to play the games.
  • During the game you will scan a QR code to play along on your phone.  Just open the camera app on your phone and point it at the QR code.  A message should pop up asking if you want to go to our game website.   
  • Check out the video,  there’s even a QR code to scan for you to test your new skills!
Scan this QR Code to test After watching the video above, try scanning this QR code with your phone's camera or app. This is all you need to be able to do to play our games!

TIPS for better Scanning

  • Don’t take a photo, just hold your camera up to the screen
  • Make sure the QR code is in focus
  • Use your front facing camera and not your selfie camera, so you can see when it’s in focus.
  • Make sure QR code scanning is enabled on your phone.  It is by default on most phones but good idea to check yours if it doesn’t work.  Google to find specific details on your phone’s model.
Zoom is always updating their features that allows you to have a better experience! Some updates are security based too so it’s always a good idea to keep it updated. But some of the features that we love in the updates allow you to see multiple people spotlighted at the same time, allowing the hosts to unmute you so you don’t have to worry about it. We’re always excited when Zoom adds these new updates because it only makes your game show experience better!

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